Things I Got To Know After 2 Years Being a eBay Seller

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I’ve been selling on ebay for two years now, and I have to say it has been a great experience. It’s hard work but once you get the hang of it, it’s really easy!
I came up with this blog to write about my selling experience on ebay. With the help of this blog I hope I can teach others what I learned in the past 2 years of selling on ebay. I will also be talking about things that I find interesting and funny.
I have learnt several things that have helped me become more successful on ebay. These tips and tricks can help even the most seasoned ebay seller.
Here u see listed below are some of the things that I learnt along the way:
Postage costs are going to go up
Postage costs are going to go up. How much they’re going to go up, and when that happens? This is a tough question because there are so many variables at play. The reality and truth is that it all depends on how much you sell, where your buyers live and what they buy from you. If you’re selling small amounts of items through eBay’s checkout process (and most sellers do), then the postage fee will probably stay the same as it has been for years now—$2 per item sent in Canada or $1 per item sent worldwide. However if your sales volume increases significantly over time—which would be expected given how popular ebay has become over recent years—you could see some changes coming down the line: an increase in postage cost, maybe even sooner if enough demand causes them too quickly!
Define your target market
As a seller, you have to know your target market. Know exactly what they want and need. What are their buying habits? How much cash or money do they have on hand? What is exactly the price range for this product or service that fits into the budget of your target market?
By having this knowledge and knowing these things, you will be able to adjust your listing price accordingly and make sure that it will sell well on ebay because people will be able to afford paying more than the starting price if they need something in a hurry or if there’s no other way around buying something else just yet (see below).
Be prepared for rejection
Rejection is a part of the process. Managing it is not always simple, but it can be good if you know how to use rejection as an opportunity to quickly improve your product or service.
The best way to prepare for rejection is by keeping an open mind and working hard on your business plan before launching your auction on eBay. The more prepared you are for rejection, the less likely you will be affected by it when it happens—and that means less stress!
Be prepared to offer discounts and free postage
As a seller, you’ll have to be prepared to offer discounts and free postage. You may even need to sell your items at a loss in order to get sales. The cost of eBay fees can be considerable, so don’t hesitate to offer free postage as an incentive for buyers who want their purchase shipped free of charge (and remember: shipping is typically much cheaper than buying from Amazon).
If you’re selling on ebay and making money from the platform itself (which will likely be most sellers), then this might not seem like too big of an issue; however, many people who are new or starting out with their own businesses find themselves strapped for cash—and if that’s the case then maybe it makes sense not only financially but also emotionally?
Don’t sell an item at a lower price than you’re willing to accept.
Don’t discount an item for sale than you’re willing to accept.
I know this sounds like common sense, but it’s so important to remember! If a person is prepared to spend extra than what you’re asking for something, they’ll be happy to pay even more than that if they can get it. So don’t let them do it! That way you can keep your business going and make some money off of it too!
The only reason people would undercut their prices is because they want out of the deal quickly and don’t care about making money off their sales or keeping customers happy because they want something else instead (i.e., where there are cheaper prices elsewhere).
Know that your mood could affect your sales.
You are a human being. Your mood can affect your sales, and it’s important to know that.
If you have a bad day, don’t let it affect your sales. If you have a good day, don’t let it affect your sales either!
Use humour to make sure people don’t think you’re too serious.
An excellent method to engage is through humour with customers, build a brand and get attention.
Moreover, it can make you stand out from the competition and avoid getting into an argument with someone who doesn’t understand how humour works (and probably doesn’t want to).
If you’re selling something that’s not too expensive or complicated, humour might be the best way for people to understand what your business is all about. Humour can be used in ways other than just jokes or puns – it’s more than just making fun of yourself!
You might have to guarantee or warrant a purchase.
You might have to guarantee or warrant a purchase.
If you’re selling items online, it’s important to make sure that the buyer will be able to get what they paid for. This can be seriously challenging since there are numerous ways this could happen—and if your product isn’t as described in the listing, then you’ll need proof of that fact before giving someone their money back. It’s also important for sellers who sell expensive products like cars and jewelry that they provide clear details about their product (like model number) and its condition at time of sale so buyers know exactly what they’re getting when they buy from your shop!
You’ll need some kind of agreement between seller and buyer stating clearly what is happening if something goes wrong with either party after purchase has been made through eBay Marketplace transactions.”
Listen to criticism without taking it personally.
As a seller, you need to listen to your customers. They will tell you what they think of the product and if they are unhappy with it, they will give feedback on why. It may be challenging at first nonetheless, after you get used to, it becomes easier because then when someone criticizes something about your product or service (even if it’s not true), instead of getting angry or defensive like most people would do in these situations; just take the criticism on board and make changes where important.
If there is something wrong with one of my listings (which happens quite often) then I always try my best not only because I want good feedback from buyers but also because this helps me improve as an ebay seller which leads onto another point: listen more than talk!
You may need special insurance for some items, such as musical instruments.
You may need special insurance for some items, such as musical instruments.
Except if you want to be accountable for damage or loss of items in transit (and even if you do), it’s important that you make sure that your seller account is insured. However, it’s not enough to just get the right kind of coverage—you also need to know how much money your policy covers and when its deductible will kick in.
It is probably hard to start but be yourself and you will get the hang of it
I have learned that it is probably hard to start, but be yourself and you will get the hang of it. It’s not easy being an eBay seller, but when you do decide to sell on the platform, don’t give up! There are numerous ups and downs in this business. If something isn’t working out for you then don’t take it personally; just ask yourself why Your business isn’t doing well, unfortunately or if there are steps that could help improve your situation.
Don’t be scared of asking for help either! There are many different people who can provide advice on how best to handle certain situations as well as share unique ideas with others who may have faced similar challenges before. If there’s anything I’ve learned from my experience selling on ebay (and other platforms), it’s that everyone has their own unique story behind why they started doing what they do today; so hopefully sharing yours helps others gain some insight into what their path might look like too
I wanted to write this post to summarise what I’ve learned over the last two years of being a successful ebay seller. I’ve been able to achieve a wonderful living working from home and it really has been a great experience. I’m also able to share my knowledge with you and help you learn some of the things I’ve learned along the way.
I hope this article and blogpost has helped you understand how ebay sellers can make good money online.
I have enjoyed the ride and I thank eBay for giving me the opportunity to be a part of it.